Tuesday, 6 May 2008

More ideas in at the Dorset Echo


I'm going to have to be frank. Do any of these people take the idea of a flag seriously?

Six of the most complicated flags I have ever seen. How many colours? These are examples of how not to produce a flag. I'm sorry but they're a disaster. They'd cost a fortune to reproduce.

- Simplicity? Can children seriously reproduce these flags?
- Charges(putting symbols on flags)! Don't use them! NO WORDING.
- Colours - keep it to three!

This is what the Flag Institute, the foremost authority on flag creation has laid down in their own guidelines to creating a flag!!

I appreciate this person has gone to alot of effort with ten designs in all, but lets take our heraldry seriously for a moment. I would never, ever fly anything like that. One looks like a tie-dye t-shirt! Trying to put too much in....as I said, too complex.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Maybe accepted as reasonable pieces of art, but in my opinion these do not represent any type of flag in its true form. Having worked in the world of flags for the best part of 40 years, I know that a flag needs to be recognisable, depict what it is for, and be easily understood.

The Dorset Flag depicted from the St. Wites shows this in its entirety to represent Dorset.